Dark mode for iOS 10 and above

Hi Friend,

Here I implemented a dark mode support for iOS 10 and above.

Follow my step by step video and learn quickly

Dark mode support for iOS 10 and above

Adopting Dark mode

Hi Friends,

Basically iOS 13 applications are supporting Dark Mode.
Dark Mode is based on colour and Image. One is Light Mode and another one is Dark Mode.

Here we focus on implementing UIColor for dark mode by programmatically.

This few lines of code will bring your application to support Darkmode feature for iOS 13 and above and also iOS 12 and older

    var bgColor: UIColor {

        if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {

           return UIColor.init(dynamicProvider: {$0.userInterfaceStyle == .dark ? UIColor.black: UIColor.blue })
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions
            return UIColor.blue

For your Quick learn checkout my video tutorial on YouTube. and also subscribe my channel for learn more and more

– How to make an iOS App

Kathiresan Murugan